The promotion of workers’ satisfaction and well-being through the creation of a peaceful work environment and the enhancement of their skills.
Our collaborators
The Group has a total of 127 employees in addition to 62 temporary workers as well as another 100 workers who work through companies that operate in our production plants. We are committed to guaranteeing continuity, stability and growth to our collaborators: in fact, almost all of our employees are hired under indefinite-term contracts.
Staff training and development
Resource training is a key point to ensure quality, safety and innovation in our activities. We provide all the training processes required by law in the field of health and safety not only in the workplace, but also in the food industry. Added to this is the voluntary training relating to management systems with regard to quality, environment and safety.
Health and safety at work
We apply all that is required by current regulations to preserve the health and safety of our workers. The three Group companies have a DVR – a document that governs the mapping and management of risks in the company, defines roles and tasks, and explains the relevant methods and references at the basis of the assessment.
Equal opportunities and diversity
In the relationship with our collaborators we are committed to avoiding any form of discrimination determined by age, sex, sexual orientation, state of health, ethnicity, nationality, political opinions and religious beliefs, aware that a full exploitation of human and corporate resources can materialise above all thanks to respect for the diversity of each person and the striving for equal opportunities.

Work with us
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