Sustainability, quality, family, honesty and respect are the essential pillars that form the backbone of our universe of values, of our principles and of the choices stemming from them.
The Group’s values are integrated by the strategies and actions implemented to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the United Nations Organization (UN) in the economic, social and environmental fields.
The SDGs indicate global priorities to achieve a more sustainable development model by 2030 and involve the efforts of governments, authorities and businesses.

Our commitment to achieving the SDGs

Zero hunger
SDGs 2th Goal
Defeating hunger: ending hunger, ensuring food safety, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Our initiatives
Study of a new line of products that, thanks to the systematic adoption of the HPP treatment, allows reducing food waste – in particular in the Ho.Re.Ca channel – by extending the shelf-life of the products marketed. Supply of non-marketable, yet edible finished products to charities.

Affordable and Clean energy
SDGs 7th Goal
Clean, affordable energy: ensuring the availability of affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy services for all.
Le nostre iniziative
Progressive increase in the use of energy from renewable sources in production centres. Installation of a photovoltaic and a cogeneration system for the production of electricity
Reduction of consumption through the adoption of low consumption and/or energy recovery machinery and systems. The new Parma Is plant under construction will use CO2 as a refrigerant gas for cooling, thus allowing significant energy savings as well as producing hot water without the need for methane boilers.

Decent work and economic growth
SDGs 8th Goal
Decent jobs and economic growth: promoting inclusive, sustained and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent jobs for all. In addition to environmental sustainability, we also pursue social and economic sustainability in a concrete, determined way.
Our initiatives
Stabilisation of collaborators through the hiring of resources previously administered. In-house and external training program for the professional growth of employees, which involves both hard and soft skills.
Identification of career plans and talent development. Introduction of remuneration policies and incentive plans linked to the company’s general and individual objectives. Future introduction of a company welfare plan for the loyalty of resources and a 2nd level company supplementary contract.
Constant desire to increase employment, especially youth employment. There is a close collaboration with the world of academic and university education. Many young people carry out alternation periods, internships, apprenticeships at our companies which represent the first step aimed at recruiting.
The average age of less than 30 of the more than 300 employees proves this.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDGs 9th Goal
Businesses, innovation and infrastructure: building solid infrastructures, promoting inclusive, sustainable industrialisation, and fostering innovation.
Le nostre iniziative
The Parma Is payoff – “innovating is our passion” – is intended to testify to the various initiatives that the Group is implementing in this area. Development of innovative production techniques of deli meats. Adoption of HPP technology among the most innovative in the world applied to foodstuffs.

Responsible consumption and production
SDGs 12th Goal
Responsible consumption and production: ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Our initiatives
Research into compostable, recyclable paper-based materials for primary product packaging. Willingness to introduce lean production principles to limit waste, production waste and to eliminate activities that do not produce added value.
The Sustainability Report
The Sustainability Report, updated to 2023, represents for us a path aimed at involving our stakeholders on the Group’s strategies in the field of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
A communication initiative that we hope will also translate into an action to promote a sustainable approach capable of involving our collaborators, our supply chain and the communities we interact with. An ambitious goal, but one that can be achieved thanks to everyone’s contribution.